Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
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So it seems this has turned into the cursed trilogy of posts. I imagine it is going to turn into a lot more in the future.

Hot on the heels of Nintendo shutting down their eShop, they now plan on shutting down more online services for the 3DS and WiiU. No more multiplayer for you!

Look, I get it. These services have an overhead. It comes with costs to run them, money, energy, blah blah. But with these services shutting down you start to completely kill off the old consoles. Yes, there is an argument here that maybe the online community for 3DS and WiiU isn’t great, but let’s just time travel a little here.

Insert TARDIS noise here

The WiiU released in the UK late 2012, just 11 years ago, as of this post. Well that lovely digital only Xbox or PS5 you brought was released in 2020. Would be a shame if in 7 years time, that entire catalogue of online games you brought, not only didn’t work online anymore, but also suddenly became completely unable to download. Oh, you didn’t pay £100 more for that extra capacity hard drive? Sorry, you are shit out of luck. Oh, your playstation has broke and you’ve got it repaired but it’s lost its data, let’s download those games again, you know, the ones you brought from the online store. Oh shit, sorry, you are out of luck again!

I know we all want less clutter. Don’t print the discs, save the planet. I absolutely agree with those arguements. But what’s the incentive outside of what I mentioned, when we all know, in 10 years, or less ( hello games as a service ) all that will be gone. No more picking up that controller with your mates for some nostalgic game sessions, or sitting down with your little one and teaching them how to play that favourite RPG or platformer you played when you were a kid.

Right, I’m off. Speak to you all later when I’ve got over myself and made my way passed all this clutter… Now where did I put that copy of Barbie’s Horse Adventures on the DS….

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By Rob

When not dodging Romulan disruptors or negotiating peace treaties with Tribbles, you’ll find him spending time with his family, walking his dogs, placating to the every need of his cat overlords, or writing nonsense Star Trek sketches. When approached by long time friend Tom to better aim his creative energies, he jumped at the chance.

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