Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
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Gaming – You really want to play that game but for some reason you can’t. Tom and Rob talk about those moments when it just doesn’t work out.

Rob : Alien Isolation

I found this game to be completely unplayable. Not because of any technical issues, in fact, from what I know about it, it’s well built. And not because it is horrible to look at, quite the opposite, the art design is great. And its ability to capture the atmosphere of the first Alien film is brilliant. But you see, there lies my problem. It’s too good, and I’m a wimp. I would literally scream when it popped out of a wall or ceiling vent. I’d run around in blind panic for a table to hide under or a cupboard to hide in. I just couldn’t progress past the first few interactions with the Xenomorph. The fear of it appearing at any point reminds me of how my wife and I coined the phrase, ‘Always stomp on a body’, after playing the original Dead Space together. At least she could hold my hand through that one.

Tom : Alien Isolation

As I’ve suggested in my Rambling About Films series over on YouTube – I am not the biggest fan of Horror. I will watch them but I do have a nasty habit of letting my mind runaway with the story and then give me nightmares.

I adore Alien and Aliens, they are fantastic bits of Science Fiction but as a kid, they did terrify me. The idea of this powerful xenomorph, acid for blood, hunting me down to implant eggs… Holy moly. When I saw that they had made Alien Isolation, a game that looked so like the films I grew up with a loved, I had to play it.

The game is so eerily silent and the atmosphere feels so real you can’t help but lose yourself. I progressed through the first part of the game and got through the Androids which are honestly, evil as hell BUT, then the Xenomorph visits ramp up. I found myself terrified to walk around a corner or kept hiding in closets until the inevitable happened.

I think Rob and I will need to Twitch us playing this.

Rob : Kid Icarus: Uprising

Oh I love this game. The Rez like flying sections and run and gun parts. But I just can’t play it. My problem is half with the game and half with the console itself. I have big hands. And big hands, plus little console and extremely fiddley stylus controls equals a sad boy. Within a few minutes of holding my hands like a circus contortionist, the cramp gets too much and I have to stop. Shame. I just have to make up for my Kid Icarus playing in Smash Bros instead.

Tom : Resident Evil 2

Let me make things clear first – I haven’t played it since it came out and I’m sure I would be fine now.

The first time I played Resident Evil 2 was on a timed demo on a PS1 demo disc. If I remember rightly, it was the opening police department scene you got to play through and younger me was excited and scared all at the same time. Being chased and pinned in to locations by Zombies was terrifying but what a rush! However, a few minutes later and we have something jumping through the window, scaring the absolute poop out of me.

This bastard will jump out from nowhere!

I must revisit the game at some point but right now, I’ve got a queue the length of my arm!

Rob : All horror in VR

I was lucky enough to get hold of the original Kickstarter dev kit for the Oculus Rift from a client. And one of the first games I tried was a scuba diving experience. Which in theory is great. I like to scuba dive myself, so I thought it would be a cool to see how it felt. Only thing, no one told me that when you swim too far out of bounds, instead of just hitting the invisible wall, or resetting you, a great bloody shark comes out the depths and eats you! Terrifying! I flung that headset straight off onto the ground and never played it again.

My next VR adventure was Resident Evil 7 on the PSVR. What a stupid idea that was.


Let us know what gaming nightmares stop you from playing, drop us a comment below or find is on Social Media.

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By Rob

When not dodging Romulan disruptors or negotiating peace treaties with Tribbles, you’ll find him spending time with his family, walking his dogs, placating to the every need of his cat overlords, or writing nonsense Star Trek sketches. When approached by long time friend Tom to better aim his creative energies, he jumped at the chance.

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